The Caledonian Television Company

Getting in touch? -We don't actually bite but...

We take a business-like approach aimed at down-to-earth people who really mean business. - Our aim is to make 'blue chip quality' video an accessible and affordable option for most people who are legitimately running or managing a business or public service.  

- With that in mind, we make no apology for what does emerge as a bit of a rant...

'Digital transformation' happened in the broadcast industry well before the turn of the century. While the pandemic made it mainstream, we first embraced remote working over 25 years ago in the days of ISDN and QuickCam.  That operational strategy is now well-evolved to minimise costs and the consumption of resources, while maximising security. 

We welcome even the most basic enquiries and are happy to try and help wherever we can.  However; over the years the internet has become a major source of bunkum which promotes 'get rich quick' myths and 'painting by numbers' mentalities. This is, to say the least, as wearing at it is potentially time-wasting; and time is money as the old saying goes!

We don't pander to corporate fantasists, fake it till you make it types nor LinkedIn Lunatics; and you'll find no billion-dollar Del Boy patter here! - We're simply not in the business of providing some sort of 'adult crèche' or fantasy film-making 'experience' for the infantilised or easily-led. - And we don't have the patience for them either!

Put bluntly - we just don't do the mug's eyeful!

EMAIL: Generally speaking the best way to make initial contact with us is by good old-fashioned email; during the working week we guarantee a response within 24 hours - normally much quicker. Standard Office Hours are 10:00am - 4:00pm Monday-Thursday excluding Scottish public holidays.

We are always pleased to hear from legitimate UK-based service providers and potential operational partners. - However, we do take a zero-tolerance approach towards spam and spammers. Our email address is NOT subscribed to any email list; inclusion in any such list is specifically disallowed and a breach of data protection laws. 

Please note that we have ZERO interest in 'SEO', Web Design, 'crypto' or 'business finance'...  Similarly; we don't deal with 'randoms' working off a gmail (or similar) address from some forsaken corner of the third world! 

Spammers trying to push tripe like this are automatically barred at server level from our systems. This includes many country TLDs as well as those commonly used by spammers such as .best or .io  - We block all email from host servers  such as sparkpost, sendcloud and others because they support so many spammers and are basically unpoliced. 

CALLING US:  Our main telephone number is staffed on an ad-hoc basis (by production staff) supported by a 24-hour answer service; we don't employ telephonists or receptionists. This arrangement has worked extremely well for a great many years now; however please understand that while calls do usually get answered quickly by knowledgeable people who can answer most basic questions on the spot - we may well have to call you back if otherwise engaged. 

Our telephone number for production enquiries is;

0131 202 6230

Respectfully, we ask telesales operatives simply not to call - we really just don't have the time!

For security reasons, should you wish that we call you back we require a CHECKABLE UK LANDLINE number (not a mobile) for your business that we can contact you at.  Please note that we actively reject the use of WhatsApp and similar messaging services on the grounds that - as experienced technicians with decades of IT experience - we have no confidence in the corporations behind these platforms or their claims for its security. 

Current Availability...

We strongly encourage clients to contact us at the earliest possible stage in their project to discuss possible filming dates.  It's not at all unusual for us to be in discussions with respect to projects which are a year or more in the future!

Lead times between placing a deposit with us and filming taking place are typically a minimum of 8-12 weeks to allow for scripting and general planning.  However, the more time taken at the planning stage the better! 


Location, Location, Location! 

The Caledonian Television Company

Where we operate - Where we don't - Core policies.

Primarily our services are aimed at Scottish businesses.   -The Caledonian Television Company™ is currently based on the outskirts of Edinburgh on the border with West Lothian, which gives us particularly easy access to Livingston, the M8 corridor, the Clyde Coast and Dunbartonshire, the M9 towards the Perth and Dundee areas, the A1 South towards the Scottish Borders and of course the A71 which provides a fast link to Kilmarnock and Ayrshire. 

Please note the WE DO NOT OPERATE WITHIN LEZs - This now means a limited service to Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen.  - All services were withdrawn from Glasgow City Centre in October 2022 due to the city's obstructive traffic management schemes; the LEZ simply put the 'tin lid' on that situation1

We mainly seek to serve businesses in the Scottish Central Belt, Ayrshire, Dumbarton and the West Highlands, Stirling, Fife, Lothians, the Borders and East Coast as far north as Arbroath. We also routinely cover Northern Northumbria, north of Alnwick. - We are pleased to consider enquiries from most other parts of the UK with the notable exception of London - specifically the area within the M25 ring. 

LEZ, CAZ and Congestion/Charging zone policies.

These are fairly simple; we do not take any vehicle of any kind into any kind of congestion charging or 'low emissions' zone whether the vehicle is 'compliant' or 'exempt' or not... or whether the zone is 'live' or not. Clearly, these places don't actually want vehicular traffic and we're happy to help them achieve that aim. - We're just not going there!

To be clear on this point - this also makes it impractical for us to do business in such areas. 


GDPR - This website uses NO cookies nor do we gather or monitor personally identifiable information about visitors. Third-party sites such as Google or YouTube may gather visitor information in relation to media embedded in this site.

In operational terms we may retain personal information about third parties for the core business purposes specifically permitted under UK General Data Protection Regulations. i.e. Staff administration, accounts, invoices payments etc. and advertising, marketing and public relations in connection with our own business activities.

SOCIAL MEDIA - We do stress that we are entirely capable and happy to produce content for your social media presence... and offer no criticism of those businesses that make the business decision to use social media.  However, we don't feel it's right for us, and are happy to explain why we are almost-absent from these platforms. 

We deal with sensitive commercial information on a routine basis.  From basic marketing plans to embargoed news and complex corporate information; keeping our clients' data safe and secure is absolutely core to our business.   Non disclosure (NDA) is central to our policies - but just as importantly, we do everything we can, beyond the basics, to ensure that information entrusted to us is kept secure...

We generally don't use 'cloud services', 'apps', messaging services or social media; not because of any 'Luddite tendencies' or any lack of understanding  - but because we've been involved in computing since the mid 80s; we actually are qualified technicians, and do understand only too well how these things work and the risks involved.  

-You may find 'holding' pages for us on certain social media platforms; these will however be more or less inactive. 


Whilst we DO produce material for public service organisations and groups, (public information films etc.) we do not produce videos for contentious organisations; the sole arbiter of what constitutes such a thing being Matt Quinn.

We do not deal with material which we consider to be of an obscene (i.e. so-called 'adult') or violent nature.  For the avoidance of doubt, this includes violent 'sports'.  We reserve the right to pass material we think may be unlawful directly to the relevant authorities. 

Caledonian Television™ takes a particularly firm stance against racism, classism and sectarian bias and indeed all forms of bias in relation to both legally protected characteristics and other birth/circumstantial characteristics.  However, we reserve the right to withhold service or simply 'not get involved' with any individual or group where in the personal opinion of our proprietors, it is not in our best interests to do so.